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AEDCA Membership

  • New Membership Application

  • All membership correspondence should be sent to the Membership Chair:

      Denise Schneider
    20434 Royalton Road
    Strongsville, OH 44149-4968
    Phone: (440) 823-3166

    Instructions for Applying For Membership

    Membership Processing Policy

    Make sure you are filling out one (1) application for each person applying. even if you reside in the same household.

    Please answer all questions completely. If you need additional room, indicate on the form that an answer ia continued on a following page and attach as many additional pages as necessary.

    If there is any additional information you would like for the AEDCA Board to know, attach that information as well.

    AEDCA Membership Dues Schedule:
    Membership Type:Dues with electronic AEDCA Review
    United States (1 person/1 vote)$25.00
    Foreign (1 person)$25.00
    Junior (1 person under age 18)$10.00
    Associate (1 person)$15.00
    Per AKC, Foreign, Junior, and Associate members may not vote nor hold office.
    Foreign and Associate members must be over 18 years of age.
    Individual, Junior, and Associate members must reside in the USA.

    Annual dues include four quarterly issues of the AEDCA Review Newsletter in electronic format.

    You will also have access to the electronic archives of all previously published Reviews through the members only portion of this site.

    Send your check payable to AEDCA for dues and completed application to:

      Denise Schneider
    20434 Royalton Road
    Strongsville, OH 44149-4968
    Completed applications can be emailed to:

    Membership Application Processing Timeline

    Your name (as the applicant), location (City and State) and a brief summary extracted from the application shall be published in the next issue of the official publication of the club known as the "Review" and members are given an opportunity to provide comments. If no negative comments are received within (30) thirty days of the publication, you (the applicant) are considered elected to membership and shall be notified by the Corresponding Secretary. Upon acceptance of membership, your name, address, contact information, and anniversary date will be published in the AEDCA Membership Directory.

    You will be notified by the AEDCA Membership Chair when processing has been completed. Revised 2023.

    Donate to AEDCA
    via Zelle®
    or via Paypal®

    2025 National Events
    May 30 - June 8, 2025
    Locations around Denver, Colorado
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